[accesskey] Values are not Unique

Let’s see a caution: Are you building a very complex desktop application? So okay, using multiple access keys is understandable. But if this is not the case, make sure to edit the access key by following the facts below:

  1. Note that not all browsers support your access keys.
  2. The functions of the access keys may not be the same for every browser or device. This may cause confusion.
  3. Users who are not aware of access keys can run functions they do not want.

Lighthouse Detect the Audit

When Lighthouse detects such a situation, the access keys are flagged. Here is an example:

[accesskey] Values are not Unique

Let’s take a look at a code sample. You can see that the two different links below contain the letter G in the access keys. This can create a problem.

<a href="google.com" accesskey="g">Link to Google</a>
<a href="github.com" accesskey="g">Link to GitHub</a>

How to pass the audit? – Fixing Duplicated Access Keys

What you have to do is assign a value that is completely unique for each access key. For example, take a look at the code below:

<a href="google.com" accesskey="g">Link to Google</a>
<a href="github.com" accesskey="h">Link to GitHub</a>

If the code with the yellow sign is changed, there will be no conflict.

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