Server Response Time is Too Long

 If you want to lower the Time to First Byte, you need to understand what causes its performance to drop. Statistical data often described as “failed” are results where the TTFB is longer than 600 ms. Users’ experience drops when the page takes a long time to load. A slow loading speed increases users’ bounce rate.

How Does Process Work? – And why does experience too long TTFB happen? 

The process works as follows:

  1. Users navigate to a URL in the web world.
  2. The browser generates a network request to retrieve the content at this URL.
  3. Your server sees the request and allows it.
  4. The page content is presented to the user.

This actually means doing a lot of work at once. In order to do this, the server must be optimized.

How to pass the audit? – How to minimize TTFN to under 600 ms? 

If you want to reduce the time to first byte duration to less than 600ms, there are lots of things you can do.

  1. First of all, you need to determine how many different conceptual works the server should do together in order to return the page content at the right time.
  2. You also need to measure how much time is needed for each of the tasks that need to be done.
  3. Start with the longest-running tasks to optimize. Even the shortening of long-running tasks at a certain rate will give you a high rate advantage in terms of total speed.

Performing Improvement… Tips and Tricks!

We offer you a few tricks to perform improvement:

  1. First of all, the application logic of the servers may need to be optimized. For example, if you are using a server framework, you can make changes by looking at the suggestions that the framework offers.
  2. The way the server queries the databases may negatively affect the page speed. You can solve this problem more easily if you switch to faster database systems.
  3. You may need to increase the power and quality of your server hardware to have more memory fields. In this case, your performance will also increase.

When you use one or more of the above tricks, you will see an improvement in page speed as long as the problems that will provide particularly high-score improvements are solved. The improvement in page speed allows you to pass this audit and can contribute to SEO by increasing the user experience. Check out our other related audit topics for more information!

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