Broken canonical links

If you get a warning that the canonical link is broken, what you need to do is pretty simple. In general, the rel = "canonical" warning indicates that the canonical link on your website cannot redirect your browser anywhere. A broken link means that search engines are not crawling your site correctly. This is why the indexing process is damaged, and some advertising projects you plan for your site may cause budget loss.

  1. When you get a warning that the canonical link is broken, try going to the source URL.
  2. The source URL might have been deleted.
  3. Various changes may have been made to this URL.
  4. Various updates on the system your website is connected to may have caused the links to be broken.
  5. The page linked to the source URL may have been deleted, cannot be found or read.

The error presented as HTTP status code is usually named as 404. This error indicates that the linked page was not found. To solve this problem, consider the things below:

  1. Noindex robots meta tag should not be included in the rel = canonical code.
  2. Make sure you want the rel = canonical URL to be indexed in the search results. If the URL of the base page is shown, this could be the cause of the error.
  3. Add the link rel = canonical to the HTTP header of that page. You can also add it to the <head> section.
  4. Define a rel = canonical link for a single target page. When you redirect the relevant link to more than one page, all links are ignored.

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