Title Tags Not Found

The title tag problem, one of the problems marked as critical, can even cause your organic traffic to drop.

If you don’t have a title tag, start by finding out why it’s missing. A good place to start is to check the templates, scripts, plugins, and more your page has. Is there any negative situation affecting the meta tag in these details? Editing them, if any, will work.

Also, we recommend that you use the main keyword within the meta tag of the page that describes the content on the page.

Title Tag Location in HTML
Title tag location in HTML

Why Title Tags are Important? 

If there is no title tag in any content on your website, you will be given a warning during the audit process. The title tag is a very critical area that provides a shortcut and a clear answer to what is on a web page. This field is important for two core values:

  1. User Experience (UX): When users enter the web page, they can only have an idea about what the page is about in general, what to expect from the page, only with the title tag. Therefore, the absence of the meta tag of the page will mean that the user entering the site has false expectations about what is on the site. This may cause both an increase in bounce rate and a decrease in conversion rates. Basically, all this directly lowers the UX.
  2. SEO: We talked about conversion rates, user experience, and bounce rate. All of these concepts are closely related to SEO. These values, which are affected by SEO and determine SEO in a spiral structure, definitely require you to host the meta tag on your site.

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