Linkedin Marketing For Startups

Linkedin Marketing For Startups

LinkedIn is a free social media platform with more than 600 million users and 300 million monthly active users. LinkedIn also functions as a free marketing tool due to the user type, which creates the concept of LinkedIn marketing for start-up companies. If you’re an entrepreneur and your marketing strategy doesn’t involve LinkedIn, you’re completely ignoring a huge goldmine. It is such a big opportunity considering the goldmine that includes professional careerists and other entrepreneurs, which help you to build important connections. 

Today, as Screpy experts, we will be talking about how to use LinkedIn efficiently for entrepreneurs. 

LınkedIn As A Digital Marketing Tool

Today, there are many types of social media platforms, and although all this diversity has common points, each has special features. While Youtube is especially used for video content sharing, Instagram is mainly shaped for story and photo sharing. However, the main common point that all share is that they are part of our lives for entertainment purposes. 

On the other hand, although LinkedIn has functions such as photo/video sharing and long-text-share features, its main purpose is to find a job or expand business contacts. It has everything related to business from almost all industries, from novice to professional. Its business atmosphere makes it a fertile ground for marketing and business strategies. You plant a marketing strategy, and LinkedIn soil can embrace it and give you a fruitful crop. 

Advantages Of LinkedIn For Startups

There are reasons why LinkedIn is used by knowledge-conscious-based people. While the site structure makes it easier for people to chase business, the LinkedIn team has been improving the website and has equipped the site content with business-based tools over the years. As Screpy experts, we would like to mention the features:

  1. You can create LinkedIn pages that best reflect your business:

LinkedIn makes it easy for you to introduce yourself to the world by providing you with the features that best describe your business. You can express yourself about where your company is centered, your future goals, and your current purpose by posting or texting people. Thus you can establish the necessary connections and achieve the interaction you want. 

  1. LinkedIn ads offer a goldmine for the start-up businesses:

One of the reasons LinkedIn ads are more advantageous than other social media platforms for start-ups is that the audience you are addressing is more information-hungry and enjoys being informed. In addition, LinkedIn ads are presented to your target audience depending on what your sponsored content aims to achieve and your objective. At the same time, LinkedIn ads also offer direct communication and promotion opportunities since they are sent to users’ message boxes.

  1. The LinkedIn Business Solutions group offers marketing opportunities for start-ups of all types:

With Business LinkedIn, you can create the most suitable advertisements for your business within minutes on the website with the largest professional business network in the world. You can also analyze and optimize your ads by tracking their performance. 

The LinkedIn Business Solutions group offers marketing opportunities for start-ups of all types:

It’s Easier To Hire The Most Suitable Team 

Almost all start-up companies need teammates who can walk the same path as them in order to reach their goals. At this point, LinkedIn helps you discover talents ready to work with you with a feature that no social media platform has.

Your Content Is Consumed By People

Content marketing produces effective results for start-ups because it involves people willing to consume information that is shared through LinkedIn. There are two reasons for this:

  • First, the platform is used purely for informational purposes. People are interested in shared information, read content they consider important, and engage, motivating people to spend time on content. Having fun, however, is more in the background.
  • The majority of LinkedIn people are actively working and have little time to spend on the website. Therefore, they want to make the time spent worth it.

Considering all these, every piece of quality content that gives people important information about your business will be consumed sincerely by people. Therefore, every start-up company that benefits from content marketing through LinkedIn creates its ace in the hole. 

Steps To Market Your Startup On LinkedIn

In this section of the article, we will elaborate on what you can do in terms of marketing on LinkedIn for your start-up business. 

Make A Beginning-to-End Plan

Assuming you have already completed your marketing strategy on other social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. What you have to do now as the next step is to attach the LinkedIn part to your current marketing strategy and combine it with them. However, to do that, you need to make a well-planning considering the very first steps to the end.  While creating a plan outline, you need to determine such factors highlighted below:

  • What is your goal? What are you willing to achieve through LinkedIn?
  • Are you preparing for B2C marketing or B2B marketing? How will you create your content?
  • Which audiences are you planning to reach?

The questions we mentioned above constitute the points that must be clarified before embarking on a marketing adventure in the LinkedIn world. If you answer these, you will be able to answer questions such as which type of companies you should be in contact with and how you can define your target audience. Otherwise, you will take a blind step, and each step you take will be like punching a shadow. 

Creating The LinkedIn Page

Once you have identified your purpose and what you want to achieve, you need to create a LinkedIn account for your start-up company, granting you an additional presence in digital marketing

Creating The LinkedIn Page

Thanks to the LinkedIn page you will create, you will make it easier for both other companies and the people you want to reach to get to know you. Thus, you should introduce yourself carefully and accurately, just as a store prepares its showcase products with care. Here below, we have listed what you should do while creating your LinkedIn page:

  • Describe yourself as smoothly as possible to inform others what your company does and its purpose. 
  • You should mention the parts that make your company/business unique and make you shine out from others. 
  • You should be displayed with a logo or company image. Remember that even though you are a start-up, you are a professional company that needs to be represented with a logo. 

These factors are important because when potential business partners or customers make inquiries about you, they will review your page before contacting you. At the same time, adding your achievements, if any, while preparing your page is a very wise move in terms of gaining reputation and trust. Also, don’t forget to include your website in the description. In this way, you both enable people to reach your main source and build up natural backlinks since they are very valuable, especially for start-ups. 

Create A Personal LinkedIn Page

Apart from the Business page, you should create a personal LinkedIn page where you can introduce yourself as the CEO of your start-up company. So why isn’t a single brand page enough? We can offer several excuses for this:

  • People who want to do business with you will prefer to talk to a human rather than a logo.
  • Both your potential business partners and people want to know who is behind a job. There is no room for dark spots and insecurity in the business world.
  • These two factors give people confidence. Being mysterious might work for human relations, but it can leave you alone in business.

In addition to the main business page, you can increase the awareness of your brand and become a brand voice with a personal page. By sharing regular posts and keeping people informed about the work-side of your life, you’re getting closer and closer to completing your profile. 

Also, don’t be limited to yourself, and if possible, have all your teammates own a LinkedIn page. Share your successes, include images from your business life, and tell about your goals and milestones. 

Fulfill SEO Requirements 

As with any website, SEO requirements should be an essential part of your LinkedIn page while preparing it. A LinkedIn page that meets SEO standards will both increase your ranking in non-LinkedIn searches and maximize user experience. Therefore, it is very important to create an SEO-optimized LinkedIn page. So how do you get it? Here are a few suggestions we will offer you as Screpy experts:

  • First of all, as we said above, you need to introduce yourself completely and accurately. You should make sure that no missing parts are left and that everything related to your business is clear.
  • You need to share content that is relevant, engaging, and on a regular basis. Irrelevant and poor-quality content will reduce the user experience and make your respect in people’s eyes fade away.
  • While sharing relevant content, you need to choose your keywords in line with the concept of your start-up company and the wishes of your target audience.

Determine Your Audience and Reach Them

This is exactly where the importance of SEO-optimized content will shine: identifying your target audience and reaching them. SEO-optimized LinkedIn content is not only user-friendly but also pages that are first suggested by search engines. In this way, it will be much easier for you to reach your target audience. 

Another method is to reach people/groups directly via DM. This is a method used by many start-up companies in the LinkedIn community. You can introduce yourself directly to people and provide sweet online promotion no-spam brochures to people.

Be An Answer Provider

When you share content based on your expertise or business, answering questions -or potential questions- both increases engagement and helps people get to know you better. On top of that, you gain people’s trust and appreciation. Encourage people to ask you questions and provide accurate and comprehensive answers when they ask you questions.

Build Connections

Speaking of interaction, LinkedIn is a great platform for building business-level relationships. LinkedIn is a gold mine for any start-up that wants to expand its network and build new connections with this feature. Do not hesitate and contact professional people. Tell people your start-up story and listen to their stories. Get inspiration, see your shortcomings and improve yourself with the mistakes of others and yourself. 

Now, we are going to answer frequently asked questions about LinkedIn marketing for start-ups.


Can LinkedIn Marketing Really Help My Start-up Business?

It will definitely help. Many famous companies would not have LinkedIn accounts if marketing strategies through LinkedIn were unnecessary and unhelpful. Remember, while other social media platforms are more entertainment-based, you build a more professional network through LinkedIn, which will directly benefit your start-up business.

How Should I Use LinkedIn For Marketing Considering My Start-up?

Make a plan, set goals you want to achieve through LinkedIn, set up both personal and brand pages, meet SEO requirements, and contact people. The rest is quick and easy.

How Much Will LinkedIn Marketing Cost?

It depends on your decision. You can either have a completely free adventure or plan a journey that includes a fee. If you are only going to benefit from free LinkedIn features, you do not need to pay any fees. However, if you are going to advertise on LinkedIn, you have to pay.

Is LinkedIn Better For B2C Or B2B Business?

The B2C approach is based mostly on entertainment and fun content. However, B2B includes a more serious and formal language, and its main purpose is to inform the user. Considering the atmosphere of LinkedIn, it would be more professional to take a predominantly B2B style approach. However, this does not mean that you should never share B2C content.

What Types Of LinkedIn Content Convert Best For, Considering My Start-up?

The answer to this question is something that can vary completely depending on the target audience you have. We wish there were a formula like 2+2=4, but there isn’t. Thus, your best course is to test, analyze and see the results. Afterward, you will learn the content type that provides the most converts by gaining experience.


Mainly centering around the B2B content genre, LinkedIn is a large platform that includes professionals to beginners, casual workers to CEOs. Its B2B feature and diversity of professional users also make it an efficient cropland, which any start-up company farms their marketing strategies. With a well-planned LinkedIn marketing strategy, you take one of the important steps for your start-up company to succeed. With this strategy, you can create brand awareness, increase existing awareness and improve the traffic on your website. In addition, even if you are a beginner in the industry, you can quickly become a strong leader in the industry.

LinkedIn marketing for start-ups is essential for your company to be successful.

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