10 Tips to Reduce Bounce Rate – Bounce Rate & SEO

Everyone who occurs on e-commerce has to know how to reduce the bounce rate which is one of the most common problems for increasing the e-commerce site, blog, news, or corporate site. When the visitors are interested in the subject on your website but they do not follow any other page, it will increase the bounce rate on your e-commerce site. If the bounce rate is getting higher often, there are some tips that you need to know on how to reduce your bounce rate. You will be able to find effective tips to reduce the bounce rate of your site in the article that we prepared for you. Let’s look at the tips and more detailed information about the bounce rate that you have to know.

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What is Bounce Rate?

When the user visiting your page does not spend more than a few seconds on your page or does not click on another section within the page, you will be able to measure this situation with the Bounce Rate. If you would like to know the statistic of the visitors, you need to measure the Bounce Rate. You can determine the rates of the following situations below;

What is bounce rate?
What is bounce rate?
  • If the visitor directly leaves your site,
  • If the visitor does not click or tap any of the following sections of your site,
  • If the visitor reads the page but is not interested in any other things on the site.

If the visitors who look at your e-commerce site usually do the actions above, it will increase the bounce rate and you will need to reduce the bounce rate of your site as soon as possible. If you would like to reduce the bounce rate, you can look at the 10 tips to reduce the bounce rate below.

Make the Best Placement of Call to Action (CTA) on Your Site

The placement of Call to Action is significantly one of the most important parts for improving your e-commerce, blog, news, or corporate site and reducing the bounce rate at the same time. If you would like to reduce the bounce rate of your site, you need to be sure that you have the best placement of CTA. The visitors must be convinced about the actions are about following the sections directly. If you do not have good placement of Call to Action, it can affect the bounce rate of your site badly because CTA is one of the most essential keys for marketing as well.

Improve the Site Search of Your Site

When you would like to provide an excellent service to the users who visit your e-commerce site, you should be sure that you have a strong site search on your site. The visitor should find the product or service on your site easily on the site-search. If the visitor is not able to find the product or service on the site-search, it will increase the bounce rate because the visitor might directly leave your e-commerce, blog, news, or corporate site. The site search is extremely important to keep the visitor on your site longer and you need to provide the best service for the users at the same time. If your site search gives incorrect solutions, you must improve that as soon as possible to reduce the bounce rate. You need to be sure that your e-commerce site provides the site-search options indicated below;

Reducing bounce rate - improving site search
Reducing bounce rate – improving site search
  • Visitors can find the product or service on the site search.
  • The site search provides an extensive solution.
  • The site search does not give incorrect solutions to the visitors.
  • The site search gives a rich solution option to the visitors.
  • The site-search of your e-commerce, blog, news or corporate site is improved to provide an excellent service to the users who visited your site.

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Add Images & Videos on Your Site to Take the Attention of the Visitors

High-quality images and videos are the keys to increasing the effectiveness of your site. If you do not have a good design, visitors will not like to spend time on your site. If you would like to impact the visitors or users, there are some things that you must be careful about because images and videos can be a good reason to reduce the bounce rate of your website while it can cause increasing the bounce rate at the same time. If you would like to reduce the bounce rate, you need to look at the stages that we shared with you below:

  • You need to use high-quality images or videos.
  • The videos or images must be related to the subject that you will share with the visitors.
  • If you provide a service, the images must take the attention of the visitor directly.
  • If you use unrelated images or videos, visitors might leave the website directly.
  • If you do not use high-quality images or videos, the visitor might think that you do not provide a good service because it can create an ineffectual impression on the users or the visitors at the same time.
  • Visitors can change their decisions according to the quality of your website.
  • Images and videos are the parts of the design of your website. In addition to that, while it will provide a better design, the visitor might also be more interested in the subject that you share or the service that you provide at the same time.
  • You can use creative, effective, and unique images and videos that visitors might be interested in.
  • If you provide a service or product, you should show the all impressive and interesting parts of the product or service.
  • You should not forget that images and videos are one of the essential keys of marketing and using them effectively is extremely important.

If you use the all stages above on your website, you will be able to take the attention of the visitor and they can spend more time on your site as well.

Have a Stronger Site’s Speed

The load time can cause increasing the bounce rate on your website. If you would like to reduce the bounce rate, you need to have a stronger site speed. People do not like to wait especially on online use. If you do not have a stronger site speed, visitors or users can leave your site directly. So, you need to make your site speed stronger to provide a better service for the users who will visit your site. It is also important to take the attention of the visitor. While the visitor will lose attention due to waiting, the stronger site speed will catch the attention of the visitor. The site speed also is the key to reduce the bounce rate.

Create Strong and Interactive Contents

The contents that you create must be interactive and strong. If you do not create strong and effective content, the visitors or users would not like to spend their time on your site and directly start to search another site that they would be interested in. If you create interactive content, the visitors can spend more time on your site and might not leave in a few seconds at the same time. If you would like to reduce the bounce rate, the contents are one of the most essential parts of taking the attention of the visitors and keep them longer on your site as well. So, you need to create strong, interactive, unique, and creative content.

Use the Correct Language Effectively & Communicate with the Visitor

The language that you prefer on your content, headlines, or the interaction parts of the website will affect the duration of using your site. If you use the correct language in which the visitors will be interested, they will stay on your site longer. If you would like to reduce the bounce rate, you must be sure about the content that you created and the language that you used. If you use ordinary language, you will not be able to take the attention of the user.

Correct language example with call to action
Correct language example with call to action

You must be sure that the words that you use will not bore the people who are ready to get the service that you will provide. The words and sentences that you will use must take the attention of the user directly. If you use incorrect language or commutation, it can be a reason that the visitor will leave the website and it will increase the bounce rate at the same time.

Avoid the Pop-Ups

Using pop-ups unconsciously will cause an increase in the bounce rate directly because the pop-ups will annoy almost all users and visitors who use your website or service online. If you will use the pop-ups more than adequate, visitors will not be interested in your site and leave the page in a few seconds. Especially, if your site is available on mobile, you need to avoid pop-ups more because it is the most uncomfortable thing for the mobile users and most of them directly leave the page even without looking at the content on the site. You should be sure that you fulfill the stages below: 

  • Minimize the pop-ups on your website.
  • Don’t let pop-ups interrupt the action of the visitor or user.
  • Be sure that the pop-ups do not annoy the visitor during mobile using.
  • Avoid the pop-ups as much as you can to reduce the bounce rate.
  • Pop-ups that you used should not restrain the user experience on your website and the mobile user at the same time.

Use the Promotions on the Correct Places of the Website

Although the promotions are related to the interest of the visitors, they can annoy many users on almost every website. You need to be sure that the placements of the promotions are correct on your website. Otherwise, they will directly annoy the visitors or the users on your website and they can leave your website in a few seconds. This situation will make the bounce rate higher. You need to determine what makes the visitors annoyed on your website. After a successful measurement and analysis, you will be able to reduce the bounce rate of your site. You can look at some tips about the placement of the promotions below:

  • Promotions should not have a place that can restrain the action of the visitor.
  • Promotions should not interrupt the action while the visitor is interested in your website.
  • Promotions should not be the first section that visitors will see.

Make Your Site Available on Mobile

Many people prefer to use websites online on mobile. Especially in recent years, companies or e-commerce sites move to their service on mobile. If you do not have a mobile option for your website, it can directly increase the bounce rate of your site. Besides that, being available is not enough to reduce bounce rate because the design of your service is still important. You must be sure that the stages that you read in the article that we prepared for you are available on your mobile service at the same time. If you use promotions on your mobile site, it will annoy the users who visit your page directly. You still need to keep creating strong and interactive content for your mobile site as well. You should also make the correct measurements and analyses for your mobile site to provide the best service for the visitors and users at the same time.

Use Effective and Strong Headlines

Effective headlines are the key to taking the attention of the visitors to your website. If you use the correct headlines, you will be able to take the attention of the visitors or users directly. In addition to that, the headlines must be interesting for the visitors because if they are not interested in the subject, they might still leave the site directly. You must be sure that your content is interesting for the visitors and you created an effective headline for them. Using a strong and effective headline can keep the visitors longer on your website and they can visit the other categories on your website at the same time. So, you must be sure that your headlines are strong enough and also interesting for the visitors as well.

Hey, you might have questions about the bounce rate for your e-commerce site. We listed some frequently asked questions which might help you to know more about the bounce rate. You can look at them and have more ideas and detailed information about bounce rate at the same time. If you would like to know more about bounce rate, you can follow the frequently asked questions that we prepared for you below.


When Do I Need to Reduce Bounce Rate?

After you measure the bounce rate of your e-commerce site, you should know that your bounce rate is decreasing or increasing. If the bounce rate of the site increases, you have to start to reduce the bounce rate immediately because it means the visitors are not interested in your site and do not follow any sections of your e-commerce site or other types of sites at the same time. In addition to that, this situation will decrease the level of your site as well. You can see the percentage of the bounce rates below:
The Bounce Rate is 20% or below;
Usually, if your bounce rate is under 20% or below, there may be a measurement problem on your e-commerce site. This problem can due to many different plugins or incorrect tracking. You need to determine the problem and measure the bounce rate of your e-commerce site again.
The Bounce Rate is between 30% and 50%;
When your bounce rate is between 30% and 50%, you have the best bounce rate for your e-commerce site. You do not need to do anything about your site because the percentage of the bounce rate is excellent.
The Bounce Rate is between 50% and 70%;
If you have a bounce rate between 50% and 70%, it means that the bounce rate is on average. You can try to make it better and reduce it until between 30% and 50% to have an excellent bounce rate for your e-commerce site.
The Bounce Rate is between 70% and 80%;
The bounce rate of your e-commerce site should be reduced if it is between 70% and 80% because it shows that your bounce rate is increased and it is not a good thing for your e-commerce site. You need to start to reduce the bounce rate as soon as possible.
The Bounce Rate is between 80% or higher;
The 80% or higher bounce rate is the worst case for your e-commerce site because it shows that almost all visitors directly leave your site and do not spend more than a few seconds. You need to reduce the bounce rate as soon as possible and improve your site at the same time. Otherwise, having an 80% of bounce rate will not be good for your e-commerce site and it will also affect the success of your site directly.

Why Visitors Leave the Website?

There may be many reasons that visitors leave your site directly or spend only a few seconds. If you would like to reduce the bounce rate, you need to be sure that you determine the mistakes of your site. After you determine the main problems, you need to improve them directly. You can see some of the reasons why visitors leave your website below:
Your website might not have an attractive design.
The placement of the Call to Action could be wrong.
The categories of your website may not be directly reachable.
The site speed of the website might be slow.
The measurement and analysis of your website could be incorrect.
The site-search of your website might give incorrect solutions to the visitors.
The quality of the images or videos could be lower.
There are too many pop-ups and promotions on the website.
Visitors are not able to find the product or the service on the website easily.
Your website is not available on mobile.
The headlines and the contents are not interesting for the visitors.
How to Reduce Bounce Rate?There may be many reasons that visitors leave your site directly or spend only a few seconds. If you would like to reduce the bounce rate, you need to be sure that you determine the mistakes of your site. After you determine the main problems, you need to improve them directly. You can see some of the reasons why visitors leave your website below:
Your website might not have an attractive design.
The placement of the Call to Action could be wrong.
The categories of your website may not be directly reachable.
The site speed of the website might be slow.
The measurement and analysis of your website could be incorrect.
The site-search of your website might give incorrect solutions to the visitors.
The quality of the images or videos could be lower.
There are too many pop-ups and promotions on the website.
Visitors are not able to find the product or the service on the website easily.
Your website is not available on mobile.
The headlines and the contents are not interesting for the visitors.

How to reduce bounce rate?

First, you need to determine the exact problem on your website with the correct measurements and analyzes. You can follow the tips which are in the article that we prepared for you. You must be sure that you use the correct headlines and interaction contents at the same time. Also, the quality of the images and videos must be high. The correct placement is also important to keep the visitors on your website longer. In addition to that, people usually prefer the websites which are available on mobile. So, your site must be suitable for mobile users and your site search must give a strong and extensive solution to the visitors who would like to find the product or service on your website at the same time. You need to be sure that you follow every step of the tips that we shared with you. If you complete all the stages correctly, you will see that the bounce rate of your website will reduce directly.

What is the Best Bounce Rate?

If you would like to provide the best service for the users who visit your website, you need to keep the bounce rate at least on the average rate which is between 50% and 70%. If your bounce rate is higher, your website has a significant bounce rate problem. The best bounce rate must be between 30% and 50%. You can still keep improving your website for a better bounce rate but be sure that you keep the bounce rate under 50%. In addition to that, the bounce rate can be changeable according to the type of website that you created. While e-commerce sites have an excellent bounce rate, a blog could have a higher bounce rate. In this situation, you must improve your blog according to the tips that we shared with you. After you complete the all stages perfectly, you can have a better bounce rate which is between 30% and 50% on your website.

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