How To Increase Your Organic Traffic – Comprehensive Guide

You may want your project to rise step by step, reach its target audience, and become a real source of income by receiving the attention it deserves in a short time. Your regular SEO work, your process of technically optimizing your site, and of course your dedicated content sharing strategy really contribute to this process. Still, the organic traffic you get may not be enough for you. Remember, organic traffic sends the message that your visitors prefer you in purpose and want to benefit from your services. Converting this traffic into conversion rates is also a very important skill. But before the transformation, you have to convince people to come in, and for that, you have to go in front of people. That’s exactly why we’re going to talk about ways to increase your organic traffic today.

Increasing your organic traffic in the internet world actually goes in parallel with increasing your SEO visibility. The higher your rank for certain keywords in the SERP, the higher the chance of users to click on your website and you realize that you have a bigger slice of the pie. But of course, this is not the only way, remember, search engines are not the only tools people use to source traffic to their websites. Social media platforms paid advertisements or various link-building strategies are also very successful in providing traffic gains by making websites popular.

Today, we’ve prepared a guide to increase organic traffic strategy tips, compiled from the experience of Screpy experts. After performing the basic SEO requirements for your site and supporting optimizations by regularly auditing your site, you can accelerate your growth process with these methods. If you’re ready, let’s get started right now.

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6 Ways to Increase Organic Traffic

We’ll cover ten different ways you can take your website step-by-step, show Google “something works here,” and interact with your visitors. Hey, none of this is actually a secret. We have mentioned most of them under different headings in previous blog contents of Screpy. But here, we think you’ll get a better understanding of the contribution each of them makes in gaining new visitors. If you’re ready, let’s get started.

Optimize Your Page Speed

In addition to being a very popular SEO criterion, page speed is a metric that closely affects the experience users have on your site. Let’s give you some information about page speed:

Optimize Your Page Speed for gaining organic traffic
Optimize Your Page Speed for gaining organic traffic
  • Studies show that 70 percent of users who enter an e-commerce site do not display the behavior of purchasing from the site when they encounter a freeze or pause. If there is no purchasing behavior, what do you think are the chances of them visiting you again?
  • Another study says that 60 percent of new visitors who experience a freeze or slowdown on e-commerce sites do not revisit the site, and this number rises to 85 percent in the second experience. Hey, even the users who enter your site are now giving up on you and cease to be your “organic visitor”.
  • According to another study, the first three seconds of your site’s load time are extremely important. Users expect loads in the first 2 seconds and tolerate three seconds. After three seconds, bounce rates increase rapidly. Most users are reluctant to revisit your site.

How Does Page Speed Effect Organic Traffic?

These are all data from field studies. In short, your page speed affects your organic traffic based on the following factors:

  1. First of all, Google cares a lot about your page speed. For this, it even offers a separate metric called Google Pagespeed and constantly checks you. If you don’t have a fast page load performance at the level Google wants, Google refuses to show you in the top positions in the relevant keywords. This increases your SEO visibility score and creates an obstacle for more people to enter your site.
  2. Page speed somehow lowers the UX of users who have entered your site. In this case, users bounce. Bounce gives Google an important tip to lower your rankings. In addition, even if your ranking does not decrease, giving your visitors a negative experience will prevent them from visiting your site again. This means that customer acquisition rates decrease and therefore organic traffic naturally decreases. Hey, it’s all connected, folks!

How to optimize your page speed score?

So, what can you do to increase your page speed score and rocket your site? In fact, it’s generally a good idea to use Screpy and have each of your pages thoroughly audited for page speed scores. Because the Screpy Page speed tool will give you very detailed information on this subject and present each shortcoming with the information on how to fix it.

Besides, let’s talk about a few different methods:

  1. Using images under 100KB on your page can speed up the loading process.
  2. Try keeping HTML, CSS, and Javascript files under 150 KB. For this, you can perform compression or minification operations. How to do it has been explained in detail in the previous content.
  3. Edit cache settings and start saving cache.
  4. If there are any unused scripts on your page, clean them up and reduce the workload by performing fewer actions.

Link building is a very important process that will enrich your content in the eyes of search engines. Imagine that you are sharing content and in certain parts of this content you direct the user to the site of different authoritative tools and resources. In this case, two things happen:

Target More People by Link Building
Target More People by Link Building
  1. First of all, you optimize the user experience in the content. Users get really useful results while navigating your site because they have everything they need to know with your referrals. Moreover, you do not have to do link-building work just to point to external sites. The link you send to any content you have shared on your own website can also be very useful. In this way, you will make it easier for your visitors to navigate through the site.
  2. When you do link building on content on a site, Google follows the links you provide. It helps Google to have information about the subject of this content and the structure of it. For example, if you have written content related to SEO, it is very useful to have link-building for SEO-related keywords so that Google can understand and convince the relevance of your content. By looking at the side pages, Google reinforces its knowledge about the scope of your content. This positively affects your ranking in the relevant keywords in the SERP. Hey, you know what it means to improve your rankings: Higher SEO visibility and maximum organic traffic. It’s that simple!

Here is how link building process effect your organic traffic:

  • Search engines follow the links given in the content while scanning a content. Since these links will also provide information about the authority level of your site, it is recommended to mark the links you give to untrusted sites as nofollow. In general, link-building studies are effective to prove how adequate and relevant your content is in the relevant field.
  • Also, backlink work, as a sub-field of link building, gives you organic traffic. Let’s say you have a backlink from a content on a very popular and high visitor website. This allows visitors there to click on the link and reach you, that is, organically visit your site. Increasing your popularity and recognition really comes in handy at this point.

While doing link building, it is very important to manage the process organically in order not to be perceived as spam by Google:

  1. Share links with your followers by managing social media platforms.
  2. Share content using your own site name on another popular website in your industry, using various methods such as guest blogging.
  3. Discussions continue about whether it is beneficial to get backlinks for a fee. With the emergence of the “sponsored link” concept recently, it seems that many websites actually report themselves to Google that they are doing non-organic backlinks. It is discussed by the SEO world whether the use of this link tag has positive or negative results.

Mobile Optimization: Be Sure That Your Web Site is Mobile Responsive

While giving you information about Google and other search engines, we first say this: Now, in the new age, the majority of people do their queries on their mobile devices. Many studies have revealed that fifty percent of mobile internet users in Asia and Africa connect to the internet only through mobile devices. So smartphones or tablets are no longer a secondary source of the internet, they have become tools that directly connect us to the internet. As you can imagine, this does not go unnoticed by search engines.

Mobile Optimization: Be Sure That Your Web Site is Mobile Responsive for Getting Organic Traffic
Mobile Optimization: Be Sure That Your Web Site is Mobile Responsive for Getting Organic Traffic

Mobile optimization encompasses all of the following:

  1. The general theme of your website should be mobile-friendly: As you can imagine, the desktop screen and the mobile screen are quite different. Pop-up menus, buttons or other content should be optimized for mobile use and screen size on mobile devices. This can only be possible with a mobile responsive theme.
  2. Leverage the power of AMPs: Let users entering your site from their mobile devices experience an increased speed. Studies have shown that many internet users expect a much faster internet when they are on their mobile devices. There is an expectation of fast internet, yes, because when people are on their mobile devices, they are in life and there are many distractions. So you have to make sure your mobile site is fast. For speed optimization, you can follow the recommendations we mentioned while talking about page speed and take advantage of AMPs.
  3. Code your site with HTML5: For a mobile responsive site, do your coding with HTML5. Be careful not to host various plugins such as flash on your site. Because many devices or operating systems do not run on mobile.
  4. Minimize the number of pop-ups: Mibmizing pop-ups means interrupting the user’s experience on the mobile device with an object, and usually, the mobile user does not like it. So keep the number of pop-ups to a minimum.
  5. Have a website compatible with existing hardware devices: Remember, users do not have a large keyboard that is easy to use when on mobile. Therefore, the general structure of your site should also be suitable for this. Don’t force them to use the keyboard.

How Does Mobile Optimization Effect Organic Traffic?

Why is it important for your website to be mobile-friendly? In fact, we will talk about the behavior of search engines and the importance of user experience while talking about this subject. Think of these two aspects as two very different points of great value.

  1. First of all, especially since March 2021, Google announced that it has implemented mobile-first indexing for all sites. What does this mean? Mobile versions of websites are no longer “secondary versions” of them. Conversely, the mobile versions are seen as the primary version and gain rankings. In short, how you look on mobile is more important to Google than almost anything else. Therefore, mobile optimization helps you improve your ranking by giving the relevant message to Google and similar search engines. This, of course, will mean that more people who query the relevant keywords will come to your site. Hey, you know the English equivalent of this: Organic traffic, folks!
  2. The secondary point is user experience. As you know, in today’s world where life moves fast, user experience demands fast, easy-to-understand, problem-solving, and compact alternatives. A great website that works fast on mobile also means more organic traffic because people will choose you. If you don’t have a mobile responsive theme, the probability of mobile users to revisit your site is around 15 percent. Believe me, this rate will take you away from your target audience step by step.

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How to optimize your web site to be mobile responsive?

In order for your site to be mobile responsive, we recommend that you pay attention to the following:

  1. Make sure your theme is mobile responsive.
  2. The images you use should not be large.
  3. In the mobile view, you don’t need to have all the details found in the dexstop. It will be sufficient to place vital functions in areas accessible to mobile users.
  4. Optimize the speed of the pages after performing detailed audits on Screpy. Learn which steps you need to follow in optimization easily through the task system. We are sure you will love it.

What do you need to do to increase organic traffic on SERP? Let’s say right away: work on SEO and strengthen your ranking. Well, everyone knows you have to wait really long for this. What should you do if you don’t want to wait that long?

Featured snippets are a result type that Google has recently expanded its use. These fields, also called Rank Zero, can present the content of an unranked website to the user as a “quick response”. Sometimes this quick answer will be a table, a quote, a text, an image, or a video. Since users see it even before the first-ranked content, the chances of clicking on this content will be quite high.

Let’s take a look at one of the featured snippets:

Featured snippets for organic traffic gaining
Featured snippets for organic traffic gaining

Above you see a query named “how to make a cake”. While the sites that respond to this query are ranked according to the SEO score, Google offers featured snipped description boxes before these sites. If you wish, you can go directly to these sites by clicking on one of them. Below we would like to show you another example of this:

Featured Snippets example 2
Featured Snippets example 2

Above, you can see the Google SERP response to the query “when did apple launch”. Even before the sites ranked first in this regard, there is this type of response at Rank Zero.

If you use a narrative style that aims for being visible on Rank Zero in your content, you can use it to gain extra organic traffic without having to wait for ranking and gaining authority. For this, you need to learn how featured snippets can be targeted.

Featured snippets are not a place where you can stand out by using certain keywords. Because Google no longer scans for words, but for paragraphs. Sometimes even a sentence that you do not highlight in any way can be selected from among the paragraphs by Google and featured as a featured snippet. Therefore, while writing the content, it will be useful to answer questions directly, to address other relevant questions of your target audience, to have correct answers, and to say clear things. Google really loves this type of easy-to-follow content.

Of course, to find out exactly what topics you need to cover, it will be useful to research frequently asked questions and browse long tail keywords. Many people, who usually aim to rank zero, list various frequently asked questions related to the subject at the end of their content and give simple, understandable, direct answers to them. It might be a really good idea to target questions here, as Google includes keyword-related frequently asked questions in the “People also ask” section for queries in almost all languages. If you want to learn more about the subject, you can take a look at the article where we provide content optimization details. There, it is explained in detail how to write a content that will appeal to both search engines and users.

Featured snippets ensure that websites whose page authority has not yet risen to the first rank or to the page will be visible in the zero rank. In this case, featured snippets have enough power to reduce the seo visibility of even the first page. When you rank zero, Google will show you directly in response to your target audience’s search, which will naturally help you get organic traffic from the SERP. This is exactly why it is necessary to pay attention to presenting efficient information in the content marketing process.

Secondly, targeting featured snippets actually means designing content to be efficient and responsive to specific questions. Therefore, the experience of the user browsing this type of content will be high. Users with high experience will spend more time on your site and revisit your site. All this helps to increase the ranking, while helping the same visitors become loyal users and expand your site’s general audience. Hey, that means getting a much higher organic traffic.

If you want to optimize your content according to featured snippets, you should pay attention to the following:

  1. First, present rich information in your content. For example, when talking about a topic, pay attention to the micro-questions sought on that topic. Make sure you answer these questions within the context.

For example, if you are giving a recipe for rice pilaf with tomatoes, you should also give answers to questions such as whether rice pilaf can be made without tomatoes, what are fit rice pilaf recipes. These are to allow you to easily reach a wider audience.

  • Secondly, when you usually post a specific title, make sure that the first sentence of that title has a direct response feature. It might make sense to elaborate on this answer later. Having your first sentence as a general summary can make it easier for Googlebots to find this answer and highlight it. Try to give more signals to make your content stand out on Google.

For example, if you put a title like “The Location of New York” in a piece of content, the first sentence under that title might be “New York is located in the United States”. You can elaborate on this later.

Get Social – Using Social Media Platforms

Think of your website as a brand and use and manage various social media platforms to further strengthen this brand. Regular use of social media accounts will enable you to appear in front of your target audience on social media and introduce yourself. This will mean that you can attract people to your official website through social media.

So how will you do this?

Let’s start with Instagram. Instagram is one of the most used social media platforms recently. For this reason, many brands generally prefer this site in order to communicate more closely with their followers. Regularly posting stories, reels, posts on Instagram can be very helpful. If you do enough up-to-date work and follow the post-sharing trends, it will be easier to get to the Discover page, and naturally you will get hundreds of organic followers. You can attract people to your website with trending and cool content and increase your organic traffic.

So what else could it be? As you know, there are various tools on social media platforms that you can filter at a very high rate. Thanks to these filters, you can broadcast various ads with very high efficiency. In these ads, you will be showing content to audiences that exactly appeal to your goals on the basis of location, age, and interests. You are definitely in the right place to present a new generation look and achieve more.

How does sharing posts on social media affect having organic traffic?

To get organic traffic, your website should be mentioned in as many places in the internet world as possible. This gives an important message to Google that your site is authoritative. If you share enough posts on social media and give the link of your website to your visitors through the posts here, you will create a link building. While this link building allows you to reach more people, it also increases your score in terms of SEO and helps you improve ranking. It’s that simple.

How does sharing posts on social media affect having organic traffic?
How does sharing posts on social media affect having organic traffic?

What are the tricks of sharing content on social media?

Sharing content on social media can be a great idea, but there are certain rules. We wanted to share a few different suggestions with you below. It is very important for us to give some tips on social media management that will highlight your brand and drive traffic to your website:

  1. Regular content sharing on social media is valuable. We recommend that you share content almost every day of the week. You should share content not only as a standard post, but also as a story. Because these two different types of content appeal to users in different ways.
  2. Social media has periodic posting trends. For example, videos with music and effects in Tiktok style on Instagram have become really popular lately. The reels videos designed using various motion effects, music, expressions and text tags are watched at a very high rate, and they go to the Discover page and allow many pages to be discovered. If you follow the trending post types, it will be easier for you to go to Discover and you will gain followers in a short time.
  3. If you want to appeal to your social media followers, we recommend that you respond to the comments and messages sent to you under the posts. It may also be a good idea to see how often your brand’s hashtag is used by using social media management panels. Interact with people and try to discover how often people are talking about you. This will make it easier for you to get much better results.

Sharing Regular Content on Your Website

One of the easiest ways to attract more people to your site is to rank for more words. For example, if you are an SEO company, you may have a large number of words that you want to rank for. We understand that you want to rank higher in words such as page speed, optimization, website speed, target audience. For these, it is necessary to write various blog contents and share these blog contents in a way that targets various queries sought with these words. For example, in order to stand out in the word page speed, you may want to address the following queries:

  • How to optimize page speed?
  • How can I speed up my site?
  • What does bounce rate mean on website?
  • How does page speed affect SEO scores?

In order to stand out in such inquiries, it is necessary to share a large number of content that represents each one and aims to answer different questions. Posting content regularly sends the following messages to Google:

  1. As an up-to-date website, you give your visitors the most up-to-date messages.
  2. Your site offers up-to-date services that appeal to your target audience.
  3. Your site shares content that can provide answers to users’ current searches.
  4. Your site is in active use.

The likelihood that Google, which receives these messages, will highlight your site really increases. A study of blog sites says that sharing 4 to 6 content per week gives the best results for ranking overall. Remember, it’s not just density that matters, it’s order, too. Instead of uploading 60 content in a single day, it would be much more logical to share one content for sixty different days.

How does sharing posts regularly on website affect having organic traffic?

Sharing content regularly on your website will help your site gain rankings in the keywords you are targeting. For this, of course, you will need to work with a good content marketing team. A good content marketing team produces content by targeting specific keywords, niche words, their semantic versions and long-tail versions. In this content production, images, link-building studies or general structural arrangements should be carried out in accordance with SEO. In this way, Google accepts that the general context of your site and content is related to the queries of your target audience. This will help you stand out faster and get organic traffic.

What are the tips for regularly posting content on your website?

If you want to share regular content on your website, pay attention to the following:

  1. Don’t share your content all at once, spread it over days. If you have prepared all your content at once, you can schedule it through a panel.
  2. Remember that you need to perform keyword targeting and audience targeting in your content.

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Why Organic traffic is important?

Organic traffic is important because users who visit your website without doing anything will generate organic traffic. For increasing organic traffic as a permanent result of your general PR work, SEO work and advertising work, it is necessary to understand the search intent well and act accordingly.

What is the difference between organic and direct traffic?

Organic traffic is traffic obtained through search engines. Direct traffic, on the other hand, refers to the number of times a user comes directly to the website without any intermediaries. If you reach the site by clicking on a link on another site, you cannot be a direct traffic item, even if you are an organic traffic item. Direct traffic items consist of people who write the address of the site directly in the URL field.

What is organic traffic Google Analytics?

Organic traffic, which you can see among the metrics in Google Analytics, represents the number of visitors you get from search engines through other referring channels. You may be getting these visitors directly through your ranking on the SERP or through paid advertisements. Or, after the link building work you have done, your visitors may have come to your site by clicking on the link from another site. In all these cases, inbound people form part of organic traffic.

How do I know if a website has organic traffic?

You can use Google Analytics for this. We recommend that you take action by following the steps below:
First, log in to your Google Analytics account.
Then you need to go to the Reporting tab.
Then click on Overview. Here you will have the chance to see statistical values ​​in many metrics.
Click on the Organic Traffic tab to learn about organic traffic and get a lot of data from statistical values ​​to graphs.

How can I check traffic on a website?

It is possible to check the traffic on your website through Google Search Console and Google Analytics. Moreover, Screpy works in integration with both of these tools.

What is the most visited website in the world?

With 66.52 billion monthly visitors, stands out as the most visited website in the world. Google is followed by Youtube, Facebook, and Wikipedia, respectively.

What is traffic on a website?

The word traffic refers to the number of people visiting a website.

What is the most visited website in the world?

With 66.52 billion monthly visitors, stands out as the most visited website in the world. Google is followed by Youtube, Facebook, and Wikipedia, respectively.

What is traffic in a website?

The word traffic refers to the number of people visiting a website.

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